Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thing 10

Mashups - I don't really like the name because it sounds kind of bad, like the left overs from dinner all smashed in one container, but I love what mashups are!

We just spent the past few months searching for a new house and I did happen upon this housing site, although it did not have as many houses listed as some of the realtor sites, I loved how it pulled in Craig's list and google maps!

I also really like the Spot Crime mashup. I have an app on my iPhone that allows me to listen to the police or fire departments radio, so this is kind of similar. This allows the user to see what crimes happened in a given area. This information is very useful, especially when you are looking for a new house!


  1. Thanks for the tip on the iPhone app. I will check that up. You have an honest style in your writing that is really entertaining. I loved your comment about the missing "e" in Flickr. Now the leftovers. Witty.

    Have you used any mashups with the KH students?


  2. The name mashup is descriptive but I agree that it is not elegant.

  3. We did find a new house! Moved in 5 days before Christmas. Owning a house has brought many more complications then we had expected!
