Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thing 4

I like leaving comments on others blogs because then they know they didn't just write to space and at least someone is reading what they have to say!

I feel the whole commenting process allows others to communicate, think, and rethink their point of view. For students, it gives them an opportunity to say what is on there mind. I recall being an undergraduate and not being that comfortable speaking my mind in the classroom. It was around that time the blogging started to catch on and out professor had set up a blog for us and we were required to do one post and to comment on others posts. In that setting I was much more comfortable and "talked" more.


  1. I agree! I feel in a group setting it is harder to communitcate your opinion or point of view. very well put!

  2. It's funny, because I would rather make comments in a classroom setting than on a blog. That was one aspect of my graduate program that I struggled with. On a positive note, posting comments allows greater flexibility with regards to scheduling. !

  3. Same here! I didn't like speaking up in class, but when my teachers would add an online forum where we had to comment - I was all over it. I appreciate the delay in time so I can formulate my thoughts and see it written out. Is it a math teacher thing? =)

  4. With the amount of time our students are on the computer, I think a class blog might be an excellent opportunity for some to ask a question, or state an idea that might have formed after class dismissed. Nice ideas!

  5. You've hit upon something here. When we are allowed to comment, we give "peer review" but we also empower those who need the time and space provided by being able to type their answer - to communicate. This is so very true - blogging and backchanneling both pull out a different type of student, not those who talk out in class a lot. I love your point here! Keep on going!

  6. I think a lot of students feel the same way you did. It always fascinates me that it's difficult to predict who will the prolific blogger/commenting in a classroom. It's not always the students you would predict. It stress for me the importance of giving students many avenues to express themselves.

  7. Blogging seems more of an equal opportunity to share ideas. In a personal group setting some people dominate the conversation, while the shy people just listen. I notice in class also, that some need need more time to formulate their thoughts. Still, communicating in person is so much easier!

  8. As a read your post and comments I kept thinking that the reason I like blogging is that I can have input on a conversation. I am sometimes challenged with communicating face-to-face with people who like to dominate the conversation. I have great things to say (at least I think I do), but when the moment in the conversation is right to insert my comment - I do not have a chance (this is not directed to anyone!).
