Friday, April 2, 2010

Thing 16

Blogger really has made adding Widgets/Gadgets very simple! I choose to add a survey to mine and I also moved around the organization of a few of my Gadgets on the right-hand side. I had actually already been in to the Layout section very recently. I was trying to get my YouTube video, Charlie the Unicorn to be the correct width to fit the layout of my page.

Adding Widgets/Gadgets really does make the page a little more interactive. I know when I go to sites, like AOL to check my email, if they have a survey, I will often put in my answer. They kind of help keep my attention on their page, which is what they want!

The avatar's that Dino created of himself are amazingly close! If I meet one of those avatar's on a street I would know it was him!


  1. Should I be flattered or insulted? I'll take it as flattery. :)

  2. Flattered! It is hard to make those avatar's look right! My avatar on our Wii looks like a boy! I think it is easier if you have facial hair because it makes you more distinct. Maybe I should grow a beard.

  3. From your survey it is not hard to figure out what your favorite color is!
